Från 2019 till det nya året 2020
Wishing Quest
Ett nytt år stundar och vi kan titta tillbaka och samtidigt och se framåt i ett avslut och en ny början.
Mina frågor blir: (Kanske är dina frågor färre eller fler eller annorlunda ställda)
När jag själv blir ödmjuk och räcker ut min hand till någon som gjort mig lessen (för jag vet ju att i ett gräl, ett missförstånd, ett svek så är jag också en del. Jag släppte ju in denna människa i mitt liv) Genom att förlåta och kunna släppa det förgångna har jag möjlighet att gå vidare. Mitt emotionella bagage blir mindre jag känner mig så mycket lättare och märkligt nog kan den människan jag tagit kontakt med få möjlighet att också säga förlåt eller tacka. När jag talar i från mitt hjärta så möter jag alltid ett hjärta som vill mötas.Det känns skönt att våga satsa på kärleken istället för på ihållen besvikelse eller dylika negativa känslor och tankar. Det märkliga är att de där destruktiva personerna har slutat dyka upp i mitt liv. Jag tror att när jag tar fullt ansvar för att -"Mitt liv är min skapelse" och handlar därefter så attraherar jag det jag vill ha i mitt liv. Inte helt lätt men så enormt skönt att sluta skylla på allt och andra och istället försöka bli bättre själv och inte göra det man inte vill att andra ska göra. Jag har förstått, efter en massa tårar och kval förstås, att det är lättare att förändra sig själv än att önska att andra ska förändras.
Mina frågor låter kanske så här:
Vad vill jag känna, göra, skapa.?
Jag vill att min dagliga morgon meditation ska förbli det viktigaste inslaget detta kommande år.Jag vet att när jag ger mig en stund av stillhet varje dag då lyssnar jag på min inre magkänsla/ min inre röst. När jag lyssnar blir mina beslut bättre, jag gör mindre misstag och kommunicerar bättre och får då enklare och mer kärleksfulla relationer. Mina drömmar, ideer och planer går lättare i uppfyllelse.
Jag önskar dig ett Gott Nytt Spännande Äventyrs År.
Wishing Quest - English version
A new year is imminent and we can look back and at the same time and look forward to an end and a new beginning.
I am going to sit down and ask myself.
What I have to thank for this 2019 and what I want to manifest-create into the new 2020. My questions will be: (Maybe your questions are fewer or more or different)
Have I been able to heal a little more of my heart this year?
Have I been able to forgive myself for the mistakes and which happened because I did not know better?
Have I been able to reconcile all the dreams that have not materialized?
Have I been able to forgive those who made me disappointed and sad?
Have I been able to understand that I am responsible for what has hurt me.?
Do I have the relationships I want in my life?
Have I dared to say NO and said now it is enough and turned my back and gone.
Have I been generous with the words- "I love you" to those that need it?
What am I most grateful for this year.
Has it been easier to give than to receive?
During these questions, different situations arise for me that I can then ponder. I try to be grateful even for the difficult times. It makes me grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
During these questions, different people and emotions emerge. Maybe tears of sadness or feelings of gratitude appear I let all emotions be there, embracing and accepting the opportunity to learn how I can communicate in a better and more constructive way.
Maybe I can ask myself if I am brave enough to contact the person I find most difficult to meet. When I reach out By forgiving and being able to let go of the past, I have the opportunity to move on. My emotional baggage becomes smaller I feel so much easier and strangely enough the person I contacted can also have the opportunity to say sorry or thank you.
When I speak from my heart, I always meet a heart that wants to meet. It feels good to dare to invest in love rather than in constant disappointment or such negative feelings and thoughts. The strange thing is that those destructive people have stopped showing up in my life. I believe that when I take full responsibility for - "My life is my creation" I attract what I want in my life.
Not quite easy, but so great to stop blaming everything and others and instead try to be better yourself and not do what you don't want others to do. I have understood, after a lot of tears and anguish, of course, that it is easier to change oneself than to want others to change.
And now the new year 2020.
My questions may sound like this: What do I want to feel, do, create.?
Do I want a house, a man?
Do I want an exhibition, make a trip, start new studies or make a new career as an actor? Move, change jobs or stay and immerse myself in what I do now?
Do I want to become a climate activist or do more for the needy? etc etc
When I dare to play with the big dreams just to push the boundaries, then what is realistic without being limited by fear can pop up.
I play, fantasize and let the thoughts turn the habitual thought paths without achievement. It can be very liberating.
So this year I dare to dream and plan even more and even bigger than I did before. For each new year, it gets a little easier and I get to practice more and more to dare to believe in that inner force that is so much greater than I imagine.
Maybe some dreams and affirmations will sound like this.
I want to celebrate Christmas in my new house with my husband in 2020, I want to be completely debt-free and have paid off all my bank loans this year. I want to become a +60 photo model, play in a movie, become a climate activist, give to those who need help, etc etc etc .....
I want to listen to the heroine within me and let it have more room than doubt, fear, and negativity. Every day, I dare to hand over the decisions that are difficult to the infinite wisdom that is within me and stop trying to think it all out with my intellect.
I want my daily morning meditation to remain the most important element this coming year. I know that when I give myself a moment of silence every day, I listen to my inner feelings / my inner voice. When I listen, my decisions get better, I make fewer mistakes and communicate better and then I have more loving relationships. My dreams, ideas, and plans are more easily fulfilled.
It will be fun to see what is or will not be, sometimes it takes many years before certain dreams strike and some will never, it is my experience.
Never hold anyone in words like - "Yes, but you said you would ... Life is always changing, if we can flow with that life becomes easier and more joyful.
I wish you a Happy New Exciting Adventure Year.